Skating level Assessment


Skaters must be able to perform required skills in their level in order to move to the next level. If the skater passes all skills, they will receive a patch for the level they have completed and a Certificate of Achievement. The skaters enjoy collecting their badge and showcasing them on their skate bag or clothing. If a skater is not present on the day the skills assessment was conducted but still would like to have those skills assessed, a private test session can be arranged with a coach (additional fees would apply)

If your skater does not pass their current level, they will receive their testing skill sheet with notes from their coach on the skills they need to work on. Skaters will stay in their current level until they pass all moves required by the USFSA curriculum. Please know, not all skaters will pass a level in 6 weeks or even a season, and that is okay. Some levels of skills are much more difficult than others. Your skater will need your encouragement and positive reinforcement.

Supporting Your Child’s Enjoyment of Skating
USFSA Code of Conduct

Our coaches have been certified by the USFSA standards and are very professional. Please know that we are very confident in our coaches and we support their coaching abilities. Respect for all skaters and the IMSC coaching staff is required by all parents and family members.