Coaching development program

Junior Coaching

On-ice coaching assistance. A volunteer position that offers skaters 12 and up and who have advanced through the Basic skills program opportunities to help with group lessons. Snowplow Sam helpers must have passed Basic 6. Basic 1-6 helpers must have passed Pre-Freeskate. An adult coach recommendation/endorsement is required to be a junior coach. Junior coaches are not expected to teach classes on their own. Junior coaching hours may be counted towards their family’s volunteer hour requirement, up to 10 hours.

Coaching Criteria

IMSC is proud to be able to support developing coaches. High school students may be eligible to be paid to coach with the club.

Must be a current full member of USFSA.

Must complete the coach registration process through the U.S Figure Skating Members only site, submit proper payment for the annual registration fee and, if 18 years of age or older, successfully pass the background screen.

Must complete the appropriate CER courses depending on the highest level of students being coached as of July 1. See MR 5.12.

Must have passed the US Figure Skating test for the highest level that they are coaching.

Must be at least 16 years of age. Must have experience with volunteer junior coaching or apprenticing at the level being taught.

The IMSC board of directors will accept applications for coaching and issue coaching contracts on an as-needed basis.