IMSC has a lot of fresh features this year. Please read through the guide until the end so you can see what the changes are and what our club is planning this year. 


**All times/dates are subject to change; you will be notified as early as possible of any schedule changes. 


Iron Mountain Skating Club 2024-2025 Rates and Fees 


Membership is an annual obligation. Learn to Skate, Basic Skills, and Freestyle Group Classes include the Basic Learn to Skate Annual Membership. All skaters are required to be a registered member of Learn to Skate which covers all our skaters that utilize the ice at our facility. Basic Skills group classes follow Learn to Skate programs.

SNOWPLOW SAM (Typically Ages 3-6)

Classes on Sunday 3:00-3:30 pm or Wednesday 5:45-6:15 pm




30 Min.

One class per week

$240 or 3 payments of $85 (18-weeks)

30 Min.

Two classes per week

$360 or 3 payments of $127 (18-weeks)

30 Min.

One term (6-weeks)

$85 (6-weeks)


Basic Skills (Typically Ages 7+)

Choose from Classes on Sunday 3:00-3:30 pm or Wednesday 5:45-6:15 pm




45 Min

One class per week

$340 or 3 payments of $120 (18-weeks)

45 Min

Two classes per week

$510 or 3 payments of $180 (18-weeks)

45 Min

One term (6-weeks)

$120 (6-weeks)



**All terms may need adjustment if ice requires longer to be suitable. We will communicate this as soon as we are capable**

Term 1

Wednesday, October 2 – Sunday, November 10

Term 2

Wednesday November 13 - Sunday December 22

Holiday Break
(No Classes)

December 23-January 4

Term 3

Sunday January 5 - Sunday February 16

MIO Competition
(No Classes)

February 9th



Freestyle or Aspire Skaters are skaters who passed Basic Skill 6. We offer a 45-minute per week group lesson. This group lesson includes the basic membership. Any skater participating in Testing Skating, Dance Skills or Competing with the High School Team will require the FULL USFSA Membership. “USFSA Add on Membership” is a prorated membership to cover the additional membership fees.  Payments can be done in three installments options for the full Season or receive a 5% discount when paid in full at registration.


Classes will take place on Monday from 5:45-6:30 pm




45 Min.

One Class per Week 

$340 or 3 payments of $120




All Specialty classes require skater to be registered for a Snowplow Sam, Basic Skills, or Freestyle group class OR purchase the Learn to Skate Basic Membership $25 (this is an annual fee per skater)






Power & Edges Class
Power Skating involves learning how
to use edges, balance and movement.
It further incorporates muscular strength, coordination and agility for figure skating. 

BS4 +


$150 or 2 payments of $80

​Hockey Power Skating
Power Skating involves learning how to to use edges, balance and movement. It further incorporates muscular strength, coordination and agility specifically for hockey players. 

DAHA Members


$170 or 2 payments of $90

Competition Class
This class focuses on perfecting routines, refining presentation, and mastering performance under pressure, equipping skaters with the skills and confidence needed to excel in competitive events.

All levels



Intro to Dance
Ice dancing is a form of figure skating that emphasizes rhythm, style, and precision, where skaters perform choreographed routines to music, showcasing intricate footwork, lifts, and dance elements. Unlike pairs skating, ice dancing does not include jumps or throws and focuses more on artistry and interpretation of the music.

BS6 +



Spins & Jumps
Our Spins & Jumps class is designed
to help figure skaters master the technical skills and finesse required for executing flawless spins and dynamic jumps, with personalized coaching to enhance technique, strength, and confidence on the ice.

BS5 +



Off Ice Conditioning/Training
focuses on building strength, flexibility, and endurance through targeted exercises and drills, enhancing overall performance and reducing the risk of injury for figure skaters.

Age 10+

Full Season



*Spring Ice Show fees are determined in early 2025 and are not included in the above pricing.

Practice Ice or Private Lesson Ice: 


Sold in 30-minute blocks per week.

Private Lesson Ice is available to all skaters who are working with private coaches.

A maximum of 20 skaters may use practice ice at one time. 

All Skaters using IMSC Ice are required to have a membership. If a skater is not enrolled in SPS, BS, or FS group class then a Learn to Skate Basic Membership is required.

Practice Ice is available to any skater beyond Basic Skills level 6. All skaters who use practice ice must sign in with the ice monitor each session they skate. 






Unlimited Practice or Private Lesson Ice Pass

240 Minutes Weekly

$880 or 2 payments of $310

Beginner Session - Private Lesson Ice: 20 Minutes 

(Basic Skills 2 & under)

20 Minutes Weekly

$150 or 3 payments of $54

Practice/Private Lesson Ice: 

30 Minutes 

30 Minutes Weekly

$230 or 3 payments of $82

Practice/Private Lesson Ice: 

60 Minutes

60 Minutes Weekly

$425 or 3 payments of $150

Practice/Private Lesson Ice: 

90 Minutes

90 Minutes Weekly

$610 or 3 payments of $215

Practice/Private Lesson Ice: 

120 Minutes

120 Minutes Weekly

$780 or 3 payments of $275

Trial Private Lesson Ice: 

Four 30 Minute Sessions

One Time Only Purchase

30 Minutes

Four Sessions in one season


Schedules for practice ice, specialty classes, freestyle group classes, and more are on our website, 




Learn to Skate Basic Membership

(included in SPS, BS, FS group lessons)

Annual $25
USFSA Full Membership Annual $80

USFSA Full Membership 

Subsequent Family Member

Annual $42

ADD ON - USFSA Full Membership

Add to any Group Lesson

Annual $60

Associate Membership 

From another club

Annual $42


Ice show practices: ?? 

Holiday on the Mountain: ?? 

Mountain Edge Classic and High School Team Competitions: ?? 

Ice Show: ??



Volunteer Hours  



• Additional 3 Hours Minimum Volunteer Hours/Skater in show (up to 6 hours)


ALL 1st Year to Club 


• NO VOLUNTEER HOURS (Regular Season) 



• 5 Reg Season Volunteer Hours/Skater (up to 2 in Family) 

• 20 Tickets Fundraiser/Skater (up to 2 in Family) 


BS2-6 (FS under 12): 

• 10 Reg Season Volunteer Hours/Skater (up to 2 in Family) 

• 20 Tickets Fundraiser/Skater (up to 2 in Family) 


FS1+ (Ages 12+):

• 8 Junior Coaching Volunteer/Skater (12 & Older)

• 10 Reg Season Volunteer Hours /Skater (up to 2 in Family) 

• 20 Tickets Fundraiser/Skater (up to 2 in Family)

A credit card must be on file with the club. A charge of $15/hour will be billed at the end of the season (5/1) for all volunteer hours not completed. Families are required to create an account and log their own hours on Track it Forward. Hours are approved by IMSC committee chairs.  

Earn 2 hours of volunteer time by completing SafeSport training at the beginning of the season. The background check portion will be reimbursed by the club. 

First year skaters’ families are invited, but not required, to volunteer with the club. 





Group Fundraising:

Our annual ice fees are more than $35,000. Fundraising keeps costs low for families in all programs. The club occasionally fundraises for a specific item or event, but our major fundraisers cover our ice and coaching fees. First year families are invited, but not required, to participate in fundraising.

The mandatory fundraising minimum for 2024-2025 per skater is $208 in the form of raffle tickets

Each returning skater must purchase 20 tickets. These tickets are for a chance to win one of two prizes: ½ of a Locally Grown HOG, Processed and Packaged. Skaters may sell their raffle tickets for $10 each throughout the season or keep them to sign up. The raffle will be held in March 2025 during ice show weekend. Maximum of 40 Raffle Tickets per family (capped at two children per family). Tickets will be ready for pickup during the first two weeks of lessons.

Mid-year, we may have an optional Butter Braids fundraiser to offset costs associated with our Holiday Expo and Spring Ice Show. The club also participates in the following ongoing fundraisers: 

Tadych’s and Super One receipts (container at the rink for deposit) 

Returnable can drive (ongoing—drop off at the rink) 

Culver’s Make Your Meal Matter events

Tadych’s grocery store bagging


Individual fundraising:

Skaters and their families may also fundraise toward their own fees. Two options are available. Kwik Trip Gift Cards. Proceeds brought to the club by each skater -5% will go directly into your skater’s account as a credit. In the event you obtain sponsorships that exceed your balance due with the club, the overage will be applied to the fees for the upcoming year.


Skating closet 

Consider donating your gently used skating gear (dresses, helmets, skates, etc). The club is always looking to add to the available gear we have to offer to our skaters. Skaters are welcome to browse our closet for available gear to check out for use throughout the season.  

Skaters may also buy and sell items in the skating closet. 

To sell your items, please fill out the tag in the closet and attach it to the item, placing it in the designated “for sale” area. To purchase items for sale by other families, take the attached envelope and pay the seller directly. Skaters are welcome to sell their items via the closet as long as they are active members. If you leave the club and leave behind merchandise for sale in the closet, the merchandise will be considered a donation. 

Contact the club skating closet chairperson for access. 


US Figure Skating Safe Sport Compliance  

US Figure Skating requires individuals who have frequent contact with athletes to have successfully completed the SafeSport Training Program and a Background Check with a green light finding prior to participating in US Figure Skating related activities.   

All skating families are encouraged to review the SafeSport Training Program at  All board members and adult coaches are required to complete the SafeSport Training Program and the Background check.  Additional parent volunteers are needed to complete SafeSport training, and will be reimbursed for the background check if the volunteer agrees to monitor locker rooms and hallways during ice show weekend. If you are interested in completing the SafeSport training or importing your Safesport training and NCSI background check from another entity, please contact IMSC via email for instructions. 

Two Deep Communication Rule: All electronic communication between a minor athlete and an adult participant shall meet two-deep leadership requirements by including at least one other adult. It is recommended the copied adult be the minor athlete's parent or permanent legal guardian, but it can also be another adult participant, an adult athlete, a team leader, etc. This policy applies when the minor athlete initiates the communication and when the adult participant initiates the communication. 


Learn to Skate USA Snowplow Sam and Basic Skills Levels 1-6  

The Learn to Skate program is designed by the U.S. Figure Skating to be the best beginning ice skating program that is fun, challenging and rewarding. This program serves the needs of both the recreational and the competitive skater.  

Snowplow Sam is the curriculum used for beginning skaters aged 3-6. 

Basic skills 1-6 is the curriculum used for skaters 7 and up, and younger skaters who have passed Snowplow Sam 4. 

The curriculum is designed to keep skaters enthusiastic about learning from the time they begin lessons until the time they reach their goals.  

The objectives of the program are:  

  • To provide a fun and safe skating experience for the beginner skater as well as for the advanced skater  
  • To teach correct technique of the basic elements of skating  
  • To develop a finer degree of coordination and balance  
  • To promote physical fitness  
  • To have fun!  

Membership only needs to be paid once yearly (it is included in your club registration) and is good through June 30 each year.  

Your Learn To Skate membership program includes: 

Official membership card and number 

Basic Skills Record Book with Stickers  

Sports accident insurance coverage  

General information and resources about ice skating  



Self-directed practice and private lessons (paid directly to coaches) during scheduled ice times. This is for skaters who have passed the Basic 6 level in Learn to Skate.  

Details about Freestyle level classes will be posted on the website and the club bulletin board. Beginner (Prefreeskate through Freeskate 5) and advanced (Freeskate 6+) level freestyle classes (formerly Aspire/Bridge) are available.  


Private Coaching  

Private coaching is available. See our coaches section on our website for a listing of club coaches and availability. Private lesson fees are paid directly to coaches. A practice ice pass type is required in addition to your fees paid directly to your coach. 


IMSC Senior Scholarship 

IMSC hopes that all our skaters continue being involved in figure skating beyond high school. Funding may be available for skating scholarships following your graduation, and the following requirements must be met: 

Minimum 2 years junior coaching/coaching with the club 

Minimum 2 years membership with the club 

Must have passed at least 2 USFSA tests. 


End of the season awards banquet 

An end of the season awards banquet will be held in late spring. Details will be posted on the club webpage. 


Proper Ice Conduct and Etiquette  

While on ice, the skater’s hair should be pulled back and off of their face.  

No jewelry, beads, etc. should be worn on the ice.  

Skaters should wear gloves on the ice.  

Water bottles should be kept out of the way.  

Food and drinks, including gum, should not be taken on the ice. 

Skaters should leave the ice immediately following their sessions.  

While on the ice, skaters should be in motion. 

Only skaters should be on the ice.  

During practice ice sessions skaters should follow the ice usage recommendations (right-of-way, jumps corners, paths of skating) 


Skate Sharpening  

Skate sharpening is available at the rink pro shop.  Check with the rink manager for current procedures and cost for skate sharpening. Adjustable beginner skates cannot be sharpened at the rink, and as such are not recommended for use in the program. 


Annual Skating Shows  

Each year the club offers a skating show in December and in March for skaters of all ages and abilities. This is a great way for the skaters to showcase what they have learned during their lessons for friends and family.  Participation is optional and requires an additional fee. It is also mandatory that families put in volunteer time for the show(s) their skaters are participating in. 


Holiday Show Guidelines  

Registrations for the holiday show must be received by the deadline—no late entries are accepted. At the time of registration, skaters should have their choice of holiday-themed music ready. If your registration includes a song already being used by another skater, you may be asked to choose an alternate. Costumes in holiday colors and themes are encouraged. 

It is the responsibility of the skater to arrange their own coaching, choreography, costumes and music for their individual numbers. Each number is to be cut to the length that the skater would compete at in their current skill level. All basic skills are 1 minute +/- 10 seconds, all freestyle would be 1 minute 30 seconds +/- 10 seconds. Longer program times may be approved on an individual basis for advanced freestyle skaters only. Music must be submitted to the ice show committee at least one week before the show. If your music is not turned in by this deadline your number will be pulled from the show.  

Each skater may do two numbers. Solos will only be granted to freestyle skaters and basic skills skaters who are competing. Skaters who would like to do more than one number may only do one solo, the second number must be a group. Duets and groups are very much encouraged. Skaters should use their practice ice passes to meet up with fellow skaters to arrange their programs. Skaters without ice passes may use drop-ins, up to three in total, to work with their groups. 


IMSC Spring Ice Show  

Every year, during March, the IMSC produces an ice show. To be eligible to participate, skaters must be enrolled in group lessons and/or private lessons continuously from November through March Term 2 and Term 3. The shows are open to the public. The show has a different theme every year.  

The groups for the show are determined by skater’s skill level. Grouping is based on the highest level passed as of the ice show registration submission. Solo performances are chosen based on coaching staff recommendations only. The club opening number is a special group highlighting advanced skaters. To be eligible for opening number, skaters must have mastered the skating skills through Freeskate level 5, including Loop, Flip, Lutz, Camel spin, stag/split leap, change-foot spin, sit spin, and preliminary moves. 


Spring Fling Clinic 

IMSC offers a clinic and testing session each February. A team of visiting coaches is available for the weekend, and skaters from surrounding areas come to our rink for a weekend of specialty lessons. All IMSC skaters of all ability levels are encouraged to try out the clinic for at least one lesson. 


IMSC Disciplinary Code  

The IMSC Board of Directors has developed the following disciplinary code in the event of an infraction of the code of ethics. If a member has a complaint to file, please see the entire disciplinary code in the By-Laws of the IMSC available on the website  

Disciplinary procedures will be enforced by the coaching staff and/or any board members if immediate action is required.  

Skaters and skater’s parent/guardian(s) will be notified of each violation  

Disciplinary steps will be followed for each violation even if the violation is of a different nature (i.e. Skater is swearing during the first week which resulted in verbal reprimand. Skater then is physically pushing skaters during a different week. Skater will receive the written reprimand at this offense)  

Disciplinary action shall not apply in cases where there is just cause for immediate suspension or termination of club membership determined by the coaching staff and Executive Board.  

Any appeal regarding disciplinary action must be filed within ten (10) days of the skater’s notification.  

Ice/Membership/Coaching Fees will NOT be reimbursed for non-attendance due to disciplinary action.  


Steps of Disciplinary code 

Verbal Reprimand – a verbal reprimand will be given to the skater and the parent and the skater will be removed from the ice for the remainder of the session. (Record of action will be kept on file by the IMSC Board)  

Written Reprimand – If a second disciplinary action is required, a written reprimand will be issued to the skater and parent and the skater will be removed from the ice and suspended for one week. (Record of action will be kept on file by the IMSC Board)  

Termination from Club – If a third and final disciplinary action is required, the skater’s membership with the IMSC will be terminated for the remainder of the season. (Record of action will be kept on file by the IMSC Board)  

Steps of Discipline will be followed until skater has at least one year (365 days) between disciplinary incidents.